What types of accounts exist on Facebook?


There are a huge number of different accounts on the market designed to work with Facebook advertising cabinets.

In this article, we will look at the most popular types and try to determine which ones are best suited for our tasks.

Usually accounts are divided into several categories:

Brutas and logs



Usually autoregs are created by software, which is why their price on the market is about 25 rubles. However, their quality leaves much to be desired, since individual characteristics are not taken into account when creating them, and Facebook can easily detect suspicious activity. In addition, autoregs have a limited lifetime and are not very suitable for advertising, but they are well suited for cheating likes and light spam.


Self-registration is the best choice for working with Facebook, since they are created by real people without using programs. When creating, all factors and Facebook filters are taken into account, so the risk of blocking accounts is minimal.

Brutas and logs

Brutas and logs are accounts of real people who have lost access to their Facebook pages. Most often, such accounts fall into the hands of hackers who use malware to pump out usernames and passwords. Advertising from such accounts works very well, because previously the owner actively used it, and Facebook has developed trust in this account.

What's the downside - the account owner can restore his access to the page at any time and you will lose control over it.

Sometimes different expressions are used, for example:

Svezheregi - accounts that were recently created.
Staroregi are accounts that have been registered for a long time and have a lot of experience.
Farm accounts - accounts that were created for pharma.

We have reviewed the main categories of accounts. But that's not all. All accounts from these categories have different content on their page. Let's look at the most popular options.

Accounts on which the native Business Manager (BM) was created.

As of July 2021, these are the best accounts for advertising. It is important that advertising is launched through a Business Manager created on the account, and not through a personal ads manager. This way Facebook will trust the account more, and ads will be launched with the least chance of being banned.

Accounts that have been blocked for advertising activities.

During the process of creating an account, Facebook may block it for advertising. The farm department sends the documents for verification and waits for the restrictions to be lifted. In this case, the account will have more trust from Facebook and advertising will be launched the easiest way.

Accounts filled with friends.

These are the most stable accounts for working with ads on Facebook. They are good because they are filled (with photos, an avatar, a cover and posts on the wall). There are often accounts with information about the place of study, work, etc., but, according to our practice, these data do not affect the quality of the account. Having friends (preferably from 50) greatly increases the importance of the account in the eyes of the Facebook filter. Facebook is a machine that has a large amount of data and understands perfectly well that a real Facebook user is unlikely to create advertising campaigns if he does not have a certain number of friends. Therefore, it is very important that there are friends on the accounts.


Accounts with a token

Accounts with a token are often used to automatically publish content on pages, groups and other sites on the social network. However, it should be borne in mind that the use of autofill may violate the rules of using Facebook and lead to account blocking.


Empty accounts

Empty accounts, as already mentioned, are not suitable for working with advertising. They can only be used for training and testing social network functions.

It is important to understand that the choice of a certain type of account to work with advertising should depend on the goals and objectives of the advertising campaign.

For example, to run ads in a certain geographical region, it may be useful to use accounts with filled in location information and friends from that region.
In addition, it should be borne in mind that regular use of the same account to launch advertising campaigns can lead to a decrease in its trust and increase the chances of blocking.

Therefore, it is recommended to have several accounts of different types to work with advertising on a social network.

In conclusion, the choice of the type of account to work with Facebook advertising depends on many factors, such as the goals of the advertising campaign, the geographical and demographic characteristics of the target audience, as well as the rules and policies of using the social network.

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